Budget Preferences: Overview

Budget Preferences control how information in your budget is displayed. These settings are managed on a per-budget basis.

Opening Budget Preferences

  • Open a budget
  • Select Setup > Budget Preferences from the app menu / file menu
  • The system will display the Budget Preferences window
  • To return to your budget, close the Budget Preferences window

NOTE: If you have multiple budgets open the Budget Preferences window will be managing your settings for the currently active budget.

You can also access Budget Preferences with the keyboard shortcut CMD + 9 on a Mac or CTRL + 9 on a PC.

A screenshot of Movie Magic Budgeting with the Setup menu open and the Budget Preferences option highlighted


Select where you to post Fringes in this budget. Fringes can be posted to the Budget, Production Level, Category, or Account. For more details see Posting Fringes.

Detail Level

Select if you would like Fringes, Groups, Locations, or Sets automatically copied from the row above when inserting a new Detail line in your budget.

NOTE: When you insert a Detail line in the budget (see Insert Account Rows) the new row will be inserted above your target row. This setting will then copy the applied tools from the line above that.

Rate Column

You can set rules for how your decimal values will round in Rate columns. For more details see Rate Column Preferences.


Select if you want the ATL, BTL, and ATL + BTL subtotal rows to be included in your budget (before the Grand Total) with the Display Summary Totals checkbox.

Screenshot: Budget preferences, display summary totals setting

Screenshot: budget total lines for above the line and below the line

You can also choose to Lock Original Totals for Comparison which, if selected, will prevent you from "refreshing" the Original column on your budget (see Original/Variance for more details).

Account Coding

You can set your preferences for how your Chart of Accounts (or COA) expects to be coded (i.e., how many numbers or letters are expected in the Account column). See Account Coding for more details.

A screenshot of the Moving Magic Budgeting Budget Preferences Window